Research links
There are various organizations doing research related to migration and development. Listed below are some such places including those that CMRD are in contact with.
African Centre for Migration and Society [link]
Brookings-LSE project on Internal Displacement [link]
Calcutta Research Group [link]
Center for Forced Migration Studies [link]
Centre for Refugee Studies [link]
Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, COMPAS [link]
Institute for the Study of International Migration [link]
Institute of Development Studies, IDS [link]
International Association for Feminist Economics , IAFFE [link]
International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, IASFM [link]
International Development Research Centre, IDRC [link]
International Labour Organisation, ILO [link]
International Migration Institute, IMI [link]
International Organization for Migration, IOM [link]
Karachi Urban Lab, KUL [link]
Migrating out of Poverty [link]
Overseas Development Institute, ODI [link]
Peace Research Institute Oslo, PRIO [link]
Policy Development and Evaluation Services [link]
Refugee Law project [link]
Refugee Research Network [link]
Refugee Studies Centre, RSC [link]
Small Arms Survey [link]
Sussex Centre for Migration Research [link]
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR [link]
United Nations Development Programme, UNDP [link]
World Bank [link] OL>